Monday, 20 June 2011

E3169 TeamJersey Boat Information

E3169 TeamJersey Boat Information

Hi Angie

We are in a 6 people paddle Canadian style canoe. We have detailed the dimensions below, based on the documented requirements on your website at 

boat type canadian voyager canoe
boat name - breaking wind
launch date 2009
crew name - breaking wind
canoe has 5 paddlers plus steersman , plus passenger mid ships
enviroment  for which the canoe was designed - rivers, lakes.
hull, fair, no rudder, steersman uses canoe blade to steer.

canoe length , 8.5 mts
beam 92cm
depth 46cm
symetry- asymmetrical
rocker - none
seats 6
maximum paddlers 6
weight- 150 inc paddles
layup GRP, painted.
measurement between seats- 88cm

blades are flat, length 1 -86cm
                          length 2 - 45cm
                          length 3 - 21 cm
                          weight of blades approximately 1kg each.

In the meantime we will enter the boat as Other on the website as requested.

Mob 07797 762051

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Brief discussion on trip and agreement on who does what.

Apologies from Simon – London

Cn,RC,CC,SY,TR all confirm they have weekend free.

JS yet to sort out if he has weekend off – will resolve by Wednesday 22nd June.

RC agreed to fix boat by Wednesday 22nd June. JS to supply epoxy and fillers.

TR to look at GRR web site email list of measurements to Rob (by tomorrow) then fill in form ready to be sent by Thursday June 23rd.

Rob to pass details back to Tim by Tuesday 21st June.

Tim and Rob to put out feelers with regard sponsorship.

It was agreed that Paul Bouteloup be asked to be out support driver.

We discussed options for passenger but no conclusion was reached. Requires further discussion?

It was agreed that all will travel with boat on Ferry using a minibus.

Depart Jersey Portsmouth 2110 16th Sept. Arrive 0630 on 17th
Return Poole Jersey 1440 Sunday 18th arrive 1810.

However, subsequent research puts the cost for all seven passengers plus minibus at £818.00 for ferries and cabins! (includes 15% discount) Falles hire have a minibus (9 seater) approx £200 but do not have a roof rack. Total price £1018

Two cars and 8 people same deal (£978) –
Price for two lots of fuel make the price almost identical.

Yet to resolve with Minibus – roof rack? and also whether condor will allow a roof rack on bus on fast ferry as this was grayed out. Other alternatives 4 by boat in car and 3 fly? Or 2 by boat 5 fly and hire a car? – Boat person and Paul Bouteloup go free?

Link up with other rowers re towing etc or stay separate? Get in on the rowers Condor booking if better price?

Everyone’s thoughts on transport please?

It was agreed that training will be done from 0545 to 0700 on week days. Only once a week until 2nd August – twice a week after this date. JS to suggest first training schedule. See below.

Thursday 23rd (carl away)
Tuesday 28th (carl away)

Friday 8th June (John cannot make earlier in week but you could find a sub?)
Wednesday 13th
Wednesday 20th
Wednesday 27th

I have put deadlines for actions to make sure all is done.

Please copy to everyone your thoughts – or disagreements by the end of Wednesday so we can firm up transport and actions etc. No comment assumes you agree with above or the majority.

Many thanks


Great River Race - Saturday 17th September 2011

Great River Race - Saturday 17th September 2011

I have set-up a mini web-page to capture all the information which we can all share

Event Website

Event Details
We are currently registered as TeamJersey (under my email and password [phone me 07797762051] ) I have noted as a 6 person paddle boat, but may need to revise/update details.

The cost is £285 based on 6 crew at £39.58 + VAT. Not sure if we need to increase that to 8 people to allow for 6 paddlers, 1 cox and 1 passenger. That will add to the cost - which has not yet been paid pending final agreement on details

Contact Details of Team